Thursday, January 5, 2012

Megatrends vs. anti-trends... a sneak preview of the extreme future

As humans we are naturally inclined to think that the big shifts we currently see around us will evolve exponentially in the future. However, for many of these trends we could easily imagine a counter-movement going into the opposite direction. What if these would become predominant?

The presentation hereunder is a thought -experiment, in which these 'extreme futures' are given shape. Obviously, the ultimate future will lie somewhere inbetween both visions, but by doing this exercise we can prepare for other, less obvious scenarios to develop, and perhaps find concrete innovation opportunities within these counter-movements.

From the author of The impact of megatrends on your business: How to assess the impact of long-term trends on your company and adapt your strategy to ensure future success available on

1 comment:

  1. I like slide 12 - many opportunities there. Despite all the rhetoric of deregulation, privatization and the so called "supply-side" revolution; the government becomes ever more central to economic life. Here is a current data-point: Washington DC has just been voted "best city for business" in the USA. Says it all really.
