Friday, February 19, 2016

What if the world was fully automated...

It's a relevant question, since scientists now predict that 50% of (current) jobs will be automated in 30 years from now -not even that far...

Of course, many new jobs will be created in the meantime (more on this in the next post). There is a much need to panic for our collective future as there was seeing the first steam engine -many did see the ned of the future in it. However, as with all periods of great (in this case perhaps huge) transition, it will impact great parts of society in a negative way. It is likely that robotics and artificial intelligence will move up the societal ladder in their job destruction path, increasing the gap between rich and poor, between the 'have's end the have not's'.

If governments still want to be relevant in the coming decades, they will need to find an answer to this challenge as well...

Sunday, February 14, 2016

The best source for innovation meetings: 65 megatrend fact sheets 2016 is now available!

Are you looking for refreshing ideas an insights for your planning or innovation session? Get the most out of your session by using i4fi's updated Megatrend Fact Sheets!

These fact sheets can be used as a briefing document prior to your session, or at the start of the session as an eye-opener. Sometimes these fact sheets are hung all across the room of a brainstorm session, to provide the participants with fresh ideas and insights!

But the vital thing for this to be successful is to keep the fact sheets digestible for everyone. After all they are meant to stimulate ideas, not to be academic papers. This is why we've kept the fact sheets simple and light!

In the 2016 version we endeavoured to maximise the impact of each fact sheet:
  • 1 revealing charts or tables explaining the trend. Chart come from established sources and are referenced in the notes of the slide;
  • 'Key Fact': a short, mind-opening description of the trend en/or its impact;
  • Assessment of the major industries impacted by the trend as well as the timeline impact, in a comprehensive heat map;
  • Notes with access to +300 sources (reports, articles, infographics) saving you hours of research! Over 90% of the sources date from after 2012!
  • Button for easy navigation to and from the fact sheets and the main menu (works only in presentation mode)

This document will save you hours of research time, and will help you to:
  • prepare your team for long-term planning sessions;
  • understand the long-term challenges for your business and industry;
  • discover new opportunities and innovative ideas;
  • engage in meaningful discussions with your clients and partners.
List of 65 megatrends covered in the 2016 version:

Major changes of the 2016 version:
  • lighter, more comprehensive 'look & feel' of each sheet;
  • 6 megatrends added in comparison to 2015 version;
  • Refreshed sources and charts;
  • Neutral (logo-free) sheets and colours. 
ADDITIONAL FEATURE: Heat maps with the impact of trends (by type) on 15 industries!

Buy the full 2016 updated document now in order to save hours of research and get fresh insights for your planning or innovation session! 
You pay only 299$ for over at least 80 hours of research!

Pricing options
Delivery by e-mail within 3 business days! Don't forget to mention your e-mail address in your order.
An official invoice will be sent together with the document.
The purchased document is exclusively for internal use by the acquiring company.

Get some sample fact sheets here: