Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The biggest corporate challenges and industry shifts of the next decade

Some great interviews from the World Economic Forum, where they were asked corporate leaders about the biggest shifts in their industries in the next decade.

The CEO of Health Care provider Aetna sees the digitization of information as a major shift, but candidly admits that Health Care has some tremendous catching up to do. He also sees a great challenge in adapting the way societies pay for health care in order to get more efficient -especially in the US.  

The CEO of CA Technologies stresses the role of technology in corporate innovation and change management, but quite interestingly also mentions the different way with which governments and private companies will need to co-operate in the future (the 'market state', for those who follow my blog regularly).

The CEO of executive search firm Heidrick & Struggles sees major disruptions coming from demographic shifts - the rising power of the East, the rising middle classes and the coming of GenY on the labor market. The biggest challenge will be to attract and retain the next generation of leaders. I couldn't agree more with the latter statement, the real question is whether GenY will even bother to become a 'business leader' in this sense...

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