Monday, July 4, 2011

What would a virtual company look like? #2: the buildingless office

The virtual company is invariably associated with the ‘location-less’ company. No need for buildings or office spaces, every contact with colleagues is ‘virtual’. Needless to say that collaboration tools play a crucial role in such working environments.

In my case, this means spending hours per day on Webex (calls and IM’s) and –eventually- Telepresence.
This works fine, but it’s far from giving any feeling of close collaboration. If I need to speak to someone urgently, I can check whether he’s online or not, and –if so- whether he’s on the phone. I wouldn’t know with who, or what exactly he’s busy with. There must be better ways…

Well, check this demo out of a tool called Sococo. Surely this comes a giant step closer to a colleagual feeling with collaboration tools?

(the intro is a bit lengthy before he actually starts showing the tool, but it’s well worth it)


  1. I just think that a virtual office is a good idea. It cost less and it's very convenient. The only issue is security.

    virtual office malaysia
