Thursday, January 26, 2012

Future Readiness score and competitive benchmark (template)

I've reported on the Future Readiness Benchmark in a previous post, showing how this type of benchmark can help companies to:
  • assess their preparedness to long-term challenges;
  • assess their competitive positioning on the long-term;
  • obtain ideas for improvements of their mid-range strategy;
  • get ideas for innovation.
Some people have asked me for the underlying Excell template to input the data and obtain the Future Readiness score and benchmarks. I've re-worked it a little bit in order to make sure it can be used by people with basic Excell skills. It is now available for purchase -see at the bottom of this post.

The template basically consists of 2 parts: an input file and a report file.

The input file is where you assess yourself and 5 competitors on 26 long-term metrics:

The report file is provides the Future Readiness score, a benchmark against the average and best performers as well as two charts showing your strengths and weaknesses:

As said the file should be relatively easy to use if you have basic Excell skills, but in case of doubt you can always contact me at

Purchase of the Excell template 'Future Readiness Benchmark' to be sent by e-mail. 
(secured by Paypal)

Shipping options

Don't forget to mention your e-mail address when paying!
The template will be sent to your mail within 3 business days.
The document is for internal use of the acquiring company. It can be freely shared within the company, but not sent outside of it.

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