Wednesday, December 21, 2011

5 tech innovations that will revolutionize our life in the next 5 years -according to IBM

Always interesting to see what IBM is working on... the video beneath shows the 'big bets' of IBM in terms of technology innovation in the next five years.

I'd immediately buy into the first two:
(1) generating power by any human movement and
(2) making passwords obsolete.

Two others freak me out however:
(3) mind reading by machines? Not having to type my books or blogs anymore -the machine would just transcript my thoughts? hm... would need to learn to concentrate on one topic at the time then...
(5) 'junk mail will become priority mail' with which IBM means to say that systems will know, select and submit the info that is relevant for us... not an appealing thought for someone who's always looking for surprising, 'out of the box' thinking...

#4 sounds a bit idealistic, but there's nothing wrong with that:
(4) 'The digital divide will cease to exist', mostly thanks to mobile internet... I don't doubt that internet access for everyone might have tremendous positive effects in making a more equal world, but I do doubt that mobile internet -however cheep it may be- will be accessible to everyone in the future... it's still a steep investment for plenty of poor people.

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