Thursday, October 11, 2012

How the internet will transform governments

This is quite thought-provoking, and will require some concentration in order to fully grasp what Clay Shirky is saying in the TED-talk here under. Basically, Clay argues that society -and more specifically the relationship between governments and citizens- can be better organized through an open, distributed model, rather than the 'command and control' model that is currently in place.

Take the open source movement as an example, with the source code Linux as its showcase. The code has been written by thousands of anonymous contributors, without any central co-ordination or guiding rules. Its chaotic, but thanks to the unique signature that is provided with each contribution, a certain logic or system can be attached to each contribution, and ultimately lead to something robust and use-able.

And now apply the same logic to how society is organized, like -for instance- how law is being written. Couldn't this be done with the help of thousands of anonymous contributors? Welcome in the true meaning of 'open government'...

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