Thursday, April 28, 2016

What the fourth industrial revolution is really about...

Hint: it's not about industry, it's not about transport, it's not even about energy.

At least, it's not only about these things... it's about virtually everything: our economic system, our health, our future as human species. This video from the World Economic Forum sums up pretty much everything that the 4th industrial revolution is about, but also the broader picture: what it means for humanity.

Most of the trends discussed are on our watch-list as well, though there's some that we don't see in the video, although in our eyes they have a role to play in the revolution. Think of companies as a platform, social entrepreneurship (something dear to Charles Schwab, founder of the WEF), the power of biomimicry, etc. Also not discussed, though important to investigate: what exactly os the role of government in this evolution? From the signs we see, governments are rather a break than a stimulator of new, far stretching evolutions. It's not necessarily a bad thing neither, but something essential to take into account of you want to know where (and how fast) this revolution will bring us.

Nevertheless, an essential 11 minutes for everyone thinking about the future!

(click here for the original full article of the World Economic Forum)
(want to discuss these, and many other, trends with your colleagues? Make use of our inspiring Megatrend fact sheets! click here for more info)