Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Some nice examples of social entrepreneurs

Can you run a business without aiming to maximize profits? And in the meantime do good for society? Or better: making profit by doing good for society! Welcome in the world of social entrepreneurship...

Friday, December 7, 2012

New dynamics in the health care market

No doubt health care is subject to some profound shifts. People take a more pro-active stance with regards of their health care, rely increasingly on their network to get advise with regards of their health, and new tools are being developed that enable them to monitor -and sometimes act on- their health by themselves. Just think about the fact that there are now some 8000 apps in Apple's store that have something to do with managing your health...

Perhaps the most sophisticated example of this is what Scanadu is now working on:

As said, what all these initiatives point to is a profound paradigm shift in the health care market, which can be represented by the graphic here under (inspired by the work of consultancy Across Health):

The top left quadrant is probably what we're most accustomed to: patients trust 'traditional' institutions (doctors, governments) with their health, which is treated reactively (you get ill, go to a doctor, get a precription and -hopefully- get better). The last few years saw a shift downwards, where patients increasingly trust their network for medical advice (multitude of websites are enabling this), and have a more pro-active approach to the management of their health (the 'start to run' movement is a beautiful example).

What's next? Very likely the traditional institutions will move to a more pro-active approach as well, helped by the advancements of DNA mapping, which will for instance allow for diseases to be avoided before they occur. In other words, the traditional health providers will become the partners of their patients, and provide a pro-active service to manage their health from cradle to grave. This won't happen overnight, of course, but the early signs are here...