I was pretty surprised to find out that 40% of the corn production in the US is used to produce ethanol (as an alternative for oil). Projected at a worldwide level this would cause major disruptions on the food market.
Surely this is happening already if you look at the price evolution of some of the food resources. In the example of corn, one can clearly see how the monthly price (per metric ton) is increasingly volatile since 2007:
No doubt it's a difficult trade off... higher food prices would put plenty of people in difficulty, but biofuels are almost inevitable as we will reach peak oil somewhere in the next decade (well, this is debatable). A big challenge for the years to come, and one with far-reaching consuequences...
I have learnt firsthand that any fuel derived from organic matter is renewable, eco-friendly, and affordable. I checked out your post because I want to learn biofuel basics before I invest in the project. I was surprised by what I found as far as the trade-off is concerned. Nevertheless, check out biofuel benefits here: http://survival-mastery.com/diy/how-to-make-biofuels.html